After being a long time windows users and having an enthusiast-level pc I kept seeing articles like these. The reason I'm going with m1 is the performance and value of the chip. I have bought the mac and have had it for 2 days now but I still have the option to return it in 12 days if I see any red flags. Although the real goal here is take advantage of the m1 and run apps on mac os, which is why I'm here to ask you which software I can't run on mac os exclusively.
I have seen a videos of using the vm software parallels doing a great job in terms of performance and compatibility. What is a concern is virtualization software on windows 10 arm. Also there are numerous videos about m1 macs vs intel macs benchmarks in native and non-native apps for arm. The apps seem to run well and in many cases beating previous intel macs in performance. From my research, the m1 has the ability to run x86 mac apps even if it is not written for the m1 through Rosetta 2.